One of the quietest and most ecologically friendly helicopters in the skies is ready to take guests of exploration ship Scenic Eclipse on aerial expeditions. The Airbus H130 boasts a noise reduction system that keeps sound levels seven decibels below the International Civil Aviation Organization requirements and is quieter than the most restrictive sound limits defined for flights over national parks, animal and nature reserves across the world.
The two helicopters on board Scenic Eclipse will offer guests unique opportunities, said Scenic Founder and Chairman, Glen Moroney.“Scenic has always sought to venture beyond the horizon and with our helicopters we provide guests with the opportunity to enjoy unparalleled access to some of nature’s most beautiful sites. We have specifically selected this model for its wide, unobstructed cabin space which can accommodate the pilot and up to six passengers, with outstanding visibility for all passengers.”
Specific modifications have been made to the H130 to ensure it meets the requirements of Scenic in terms of safety and guest comfort. These include Bose noise cancelling headsets; five cameras fitted to the interior and exterior of the helicopter to provide guests with footage of their flight; custom leather seats and a Bluetooth audio system allowing music to be piped to guests. The H130 has also been designed with a quick rotor blade fold kit to allow the ship to sit atop the Scenic Eclipse.
Scenic Eclipse inaugurates Antarctic sailing in January, 2019 and will spend the summer in the Norwegian fjords and the Arctic.