The Captain is a Lady on Sea Cloud

Captain Kathryn Whittaker
Captain Kathryn Whittaker on deck--courtesy Sea Cloud Ccruises

The first Canadian female captain of a cruise ship has been named by Sea Cloud Cruises. Kathryn Whittaker has taken the helm of Sea Cloud II, a sailing ship that accommodates 94 guests.

Her path to captainship is unconventional. Unlike many captains, her family doesn’t consist of sailors, and her voyage didn’t start at an early age in maritime academy. She grew up in St. Thomas, Ont., and now calls Ottawa home. While at university in Toronto she worked on tour boats in Toronto Harbor for three summers. Fascinated by sail ships, she signed on as a deckhand on Sea Cloud in 1996.

Whittaker achieved certifications by passing exams at several Canadian maritime schools and served on sail training ships including five years as captain of Bytown Brigantine’s STV Fair Jeanne and chief officer for Canadian Sailing Expeditions.

As captain, she will head every department, and commands the mostly male nautical and technical officers. “Growing up as the only girl with four older brothers, prepared me well to work in this field. I had to prove myself on this ship and have over the years gained the respect of the crew,” Whittaker said.

About Wallace Immen 802 Articles
Wallace Immen is Executive Editor of The Cruisington Times, the Best in Cruising, Travel, Food and Fun. He's sailed on all of the world's seas to ports in over 100 countries and travelled on every continent.