Windows in Arles, the City that Inspired Generations of Artists

Wiindow in Arles
Ironic photo in window of YellowKorner Gallery in Arles--Photo by Wallace Immen

Look through any window. The views are always fantastic in Arles.

When Vincent Van Gogh set up his studio in a bedroom here, it inspired him to create 300 paintings and drawings in just two years in the 1880s.

Even today, this city in Provence is filled with galleries and artists create murals and pop-up showings.

We’re here on a shore excursion  arranged by Carnival Cruise Line during Carnival Vista’s stop  in Marseille. It’s an hour’s drive through a landscape framed by the wildflowers,  fields of greens and yellows and the sunflowers that inspired Van Gogh  and generations since.

The narrow maze-like streets originally laid out by the Romans 2,000 years ago are perfect for a morning of rambling and admiring the visual  sense  of  the city.

If you’ve got a window, it seems you have to be artistic with it.  Check these out:


The yellow house where Van Gogh had his studio isn’t around any more. But there are many memories of it and its windows and chairs in many of his paintings.

Arles so inspired Van Gogh that he persuaded Paul Gauguin to come and experience it as well.

In preparation for Gauguin’s visit, Van Gogh bought two beds and two chairs for the sparsely furnished room that was his studio. He was inspired to paint his decorating job and even portraits of Van Gogh’s Chair and Gauguin’s Chair.

Van Gogh Bedroom in Arles
Van Gogh’s bedroom in Arles courtesy Van Gogh Museum

Still around and very popular on starry, starry nights is the café that Van Gogh made the subject of one his most famous works.

Arles today is still inspiring art, and photography. Galleries abound and their displays spill out onto the streets. Art gets turned into posters to fill in blank walls–think two story high watermelons and flying cows.

And  a very droll school of modern impressionist photographers and sculptors show some of their best work in public spaces here as well.  You may run into a photo of a nude in a doorway or a Renaissance-style portrait of a woman wearing a lacy formal ball gown ecstatically chowing into a fast-food  burger in a gallery window.

Arles cafe
Starry, starry day–Photo by Wallace Immen

If you’re fortunate enough to visit Arles this summer,  the city has managed to overcome one of its historic artistic losses. All of Van Gogh’s works  from his mad sojourn here have in the years since gone into collections and  museums in other cities.

But this year, there are dozens of them on loan for the exhibit Van Gogh in Provence: Modernizing Tradition at the Fondation Vincent Van Gogh through September 11, 2016.

The gallery on a back lane is not the easiest place to find. But  it’s definitely worth the effort to seek it out.








About Wallace Immen 798 Articles
Wallace Immen is Executive Editor of The Cruisington Times, the Best in Cruising, Travel, Food and Fun. He's sailed on all of the world's seas to ports in over 100 countries and travelled on every continent.